BIOADAPTED employs texts about AI, some of which have been generated by GPT-3. An EEG headset will generate BCI (brain-computer-interface) instructions for the movement of an actor linked with a haptic vest and LED lights sewn into the costume. In the grand finale the audience will put GPT-3 on trial and interrogate it directly in real time.
The goal is to investigate, interrogate and educate all while delivering a unique, interactive, science-enhanced experience using technology. AI regulations and their implementation in government systems concern all of us, and through Transforma's process of blending art and science, they make these issues "digestible", empowering audiences to become active decision makers and alert citizens protecting their own agency and human sovereignty.
Transforma Theatre is a part of the Culture Lab LIC Emergence Artist Residency program, a residency that offers space and time to realize performance based projects.
Show Notes: No intermission

COVID-19 Safety Information
Masks are optional but encouraged.
Performance Schedule:
SATURDAY @ 3 PM & 7:30 PM
SUNDAY @ 3 PM & 7 PM
Thursday & Friday, September 21 & 22 @ 9:30 PM
Tjaša Ferme
Written by
Alexis Roblan, James Yu, Tjaša Ferme, including real transcripts and interviews