The Mysterious Case of Kitsy Rainey
Having married in his later years, Pat finally decides to “lift the lid” on the life lived by his Kitsy prior to their union, all while facing down his own reckoning. Tender, heartfelt, and joyously funny, The Mysterious Case of Kitsy Rainey completes Pat Farnon’s journey in a most unexpected way.
The Man in the Woman's Shoes
Meet Pat... Just outside of town, cobbler Pat Farnon lives on his own, contentedly aging in the cottage in which he was reared. Join him as he walks the five miles into his “metropolis,” populated with no-necked water diviners, sporting savants, loudmouths and preachers.
I Hear You and Rejoice
Meet Kitsy... “Once in a lifetime, a woman the likes of Kitsy comes along and when she does, the universe has to expand to accommodate her.” From the football field to the chapel floor, Kitsy always has the final word. By turns moving and hilarious, her friends and neighbors celebrate the impact Kitsy has made on her community.
Show Notes: Receive 20% off when you buy regular or premium seats for all three shows at once. Receive 15% off when you buy regular or premium seats for two shows at once.

COVID-19 Safety Information
Masks are optional but encouraged.
Performance Schedule:
Visit for full performance schedule.
Mikel Murfi
Written by
Mikel Murfi