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My Magical Colombian Bus | Mi Chivita Mágica

Opening Date: Sep 23, 2023

Closing Date: Oct 08, 2023

My Magical Colombian Bus | Mi Chivita Mágica Show Site Icon

Playing @

Teatro SEA

107 Suffolk St - 2nd floor New York, NY 10002

View theatre details
Teatro SEA's show My Magical Colombian Bus is a captivating musical experience that takes the audience on a journey through the vibrant culture and history of Colombia. Follow Lucy in a Wizard of Oz kind of adventure as she searches for her missing grandfather with the help of magical characters who hop aboard her Magical Bus! Through lively music, storytelling and puppetry, this show celebrates the beauty and diversity of Colombian heritage. Don't miss your chance to be transported to another world with this magical and unforgettable performance!

El espectáculo Mi Chivita Mágica de Teatro SEA es una experiencia musical cautivadora que lleva a la audiencia en un viaje a través de la vibrante cultura e historia de Colombia. ¡Sigue a Lucy en una aventura similar a El Mago de Oz mientras busca a su abuelo desaparecido con la ayuda de personajes mágicos que se suben a su autobús mágico! A través de música animada, cuentos y marionetas, este espectáculo celebra la belleza y diversidad del patrimonio colombiano. ¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de ser transportado a otro mundo con esta actuación mágica e inolvidable!
Show Notes

Show Notes: Performed in English and Spanish simultaneously. Se hace en Inglés y Español a la vez.

Audience Advisory:

Recommended for K-5th grade. Recomendada para niños de K hasta 5to grado.

Performance Schedule:

September 23, 30 & October 8 @ 3 PM

TDF Tickets Offers:

TDF member tickets:

Not currently available for this show

Listed atTKTS


Full-price tickets

$17.45 - $34.89



Directions Subway

Take the F train to Delancey Street or J, M, or Z to Essex Street. Walk east to Suffolk Street, make a left. The building is located between Rivington Street and Delancey Street.

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Public Transportation

Subway Icon

By Subway:

Take the F train to Delancey Street or J, M, or Z to Essex Street. Walk east to Suffolk Street, make a left. The building is located between Rivington Street and Delancey Street.

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By Bus: