Directed and choreographed by Stephanie Klemons, this new dance/drama, adapted by Barbara Zinn Krieger based on the original story by Carlo Collodi, will bring Collodi’s classic tales to life with a fun and modern twist using dance, puppets, original music and narration. Pinocchio, presented by New York City Children's Theater, celebrates and explores family, learning, courage, transformation and the power of imagination.
Age Guidance: 4
Show Notes: Best for ages 4-8, but fun for the whole family!
Audience Advisory:
Tickets are required for all guests. Guests under the age of 2 may purchase a lap seat for $5 (cash only) from the box office on the performance day.
Performance Schedule:
Visit for full performance schedule.
Jaime Lozano
Stephanie Klemons
Written by
Barbara Zinn Krieger, based on the original story by Carlo Collodi
Stephanie Klemons